A Covid Christmas? Not What We Expected!

Dec 24, 2020

It’s Not Just Another Day, Even With Covid!

Oh my! Christmas will be here tomorrow! It sure has been a challenging time this year with Covid affecting us in so many ways. I can’t believe it is almost here, and I finally just finished my gift shopping. Do you know what is worse? Wrapping the gifts. I wish I could meet the person who invented gift bags. I would give her a big (Covid-safe) hug! It has to be a “her.” We women are the ones expected to do all the gift-wrapping, right? I went to the dollar store the other day and bought a cart-full of gift bags this year. They are actually very pretty…and cheap…and easy.

When I was in high school, one of my first jobs was working as a gift wrapper at the local Rose’s store. I grew up in Virginia and Rose’s was a chain department store. I’m not sure how big of a chain it was, but I know they have been long gone. Anyway, I learned how to wrap gifts of all shapes and sizes with lovely paper, beautiful designs, ribbons and creative handmade bows. I was very talented and very fast at my job. It was fun.

Nowadays, if I do wrap a gift, it just gets a little adhesive-backed bow plopped on the top. You know the kind — from one of those $2 bags full of many colors, including several already bent and smashed ones. That’s why a LOVE those gift bags. I realized that no one really looks at the wrapping anyway. My daughter informed me that my 3-year-old twin granddaughters really love to unwrap packages, so I may have to wrap one or two for them. Maybe. I just hope I don’t turn into my mother; she waited until the last minute to wrap gifts. It was so last-minute, that we were all sitting in the living room waiting to unwrap them!

Christmas is My Favorite!

It may not sound like it, but I really do love Christmas! It is my favorite holiday, hands down. I have so many warm memories of my family’s wonderful Christmas traditions growing up. Now that my parents and sister are gone, those memories mean even more to me. They make my family feel close once more. Now, I get excited about decorating and buying gifts for my own family, especially my grandchildren. But after battling COVID-19 a few months ago and having long-lasting side effects, I admit I put off shopping longer than I should have.

I spent two weeks in ICU on a breathing machine from April 24-May 7 with Covid and pneumonia. It was a tough two weeks with lots of medicines, x-rays, blood tests, monitoring, and more needle sticks than you can imagine, but I am so thankful that God spared my life. Others haven’t been so fortunate.

The ICU nurses at Denton Presbyterian Hospital are so hard-working and dedicated, as are the staffs at every hospital in this country. With Covid spreading once again, these poor nurses are overworked and risking their own health to take care of strangers! I appreciate them all so much. Until you are in ICU and experience this odd virus, you can’t fully understand the complicated security and depth of care they give their patients.

It’s not just the nurses that I’m thankful for. Those unappreciated aides at the hospital also were so helpful and a bright spot in my lonely days. You see, when my husband took me to the hospital, he had to drop me off at the ER door and leave. It was surreal. Back then there were not as many local cases as there are now, and medical experts have also learned so much more about the virus. Many people told me, “You’re the only one I know that has it!” Sadly, that is not the case anymore.

Covid is Tougher Than You Think!

I’m one of those Covid “long haulers” you may have heard about. There are thousands of us who don’t have the virus any longer but have repercussions and sometimes debilitating symptoms that just want to hang on – shortness of breath, fatigue, coughing, fatigue, headaches, fatigue, hair loss, fatigue, body aches, fatigue, brain fog, and many others. Did I mention fatigue? Not everyone has every side effect I listed. Some have other issues (including hair loss and even permanent damage to organs). My brain fog hasn’t really been noticeable, but of course, I can’t tell if it’s brain fog or just my age!

I have been blessed to have great doctors who always believe me when I tell them my symptoms and who treat me accordingly. Some long haulers aren’t as lucky. Many doctors tell them it’s all in their heads. Family members also become frustrated with them, expecting them to just try harder and “get over it.” They seek comfort and support from each other, so they can be reassured that they aren’t mentally unstable or labeled hypochondriacs. Even on Facebook there are groups for long haulers who can share and encourage each other. Here’s a good article about this dilemma from a doctor at Harvard Medical School: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/the-tragedy-of-the-post-covid-long-haulers-2020101521173

People still ask me how I got the virus, and I still tell them I have no idea. I had stayed home for more than two weeks prior to getting sick. My husband had been working (he owns a painting and remodeling company), but he never had any symptoms. Granted, he could have been asymptomatic and not known it. That is why, as much as we all hate it, we must wear those masks! When I go into a store and see someone without one or wearing it improperly, I want to shout, “Let me tell you my story!” Instead, I hightail it in the opposite direction.

I Know Christmas Isn’t Always Joyful (Especially This Year!)

I pray that you never have to experience any of this. But if you have lost a loved one due to Covid, I know this holiday won’t be the same. My own family (and many of my friends, too) has lost several people, and there are others struggling with it right now.

Grief can sometimes consume our thoughts. That’s totally understandable. If you are feeling overwhelmed with grief or sadness this Christmas, I know you may not really feel like celebrating anything. I hope you can try to focus on those good memories of past Christmases. Don’t be afraid to talk to each other about your loved one.  Share your feelings with each other openly. Listen to each other with gentleness. Be patient with those who may still not be feeling well.

I wish I could ease your pain, even if just for a few minutes. Rest in the confidence that you have a Father who loves you and wants to hold you close. Did you know that He sees your tossing and turning at night? He sees every tear you cry. In fact, in Psalm 56:8, it says, “You have kept count of my tossings; you put my tears in your bottle. Are they not in your book?” Aren’t those beautiful words?

You may be thinking, “Grandma D, you just don’t understand how hard it is for me. I’ve had one heartache after another. I can’t take anymore!” You’re right; I don’t understand. I can’t step inside your grief, even as much as I wish I could. But all those feelings, He knows. He understands. He wants to heal. You are loved. You really are.

I hope you can find at least one “good thing” to focus on this Christmas. Maybe it is a special song, a precious ornament, a cherished tradition, or even a memory that just makes you smile. I know you are stronger than you think, and you can make it through the holidays. I am praying for you.

My Prayer for You

Dear Father, this Christmas is not an easy one for my sweet friend. It is hard for her to focus on the joy of your son’s birth when she is feeling lost and sad. Someone precious to her is not here to celebrate this year, and she misses them more than words can express. We know that Jesus came to give us new life. We rest on your promises.  It is comforting to know that you understand our grief because you watched your son die on a cross for our sins. Give my dear friend your peace and comfort in special ways this season.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

If you want to share something about your loved one, you can post a comment or drop me a line.

I’m sending hugs to you, my special one!

Grandma D

P.S. I just had to post this delightful picture of my granddaughters from last Christmas. It seems fitting for this crazy year, too. Doesn’t it?


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