Perfect Peace — Is It Possible?

Aug 23, 2023

Sweet Peace, Perfect Peace

Don’t you just love to watch sleeping babies? They can sleep pretty much anywhere! The softness of their innocent faces just melts my heart. They have no worries and are so trusting of the one who is holding them, especially if it’s mommy or daddy. The photo at the top of this post is of my daughter, Leslie, and one of my twin granddaughters, Abigail. She was having multiple seizures and the doctors were trying to determine what was causing them. Even with all the testing and being in that big scary hospital, little Abigail slept peacefully in her mother’s arms. It was a difficult time for all of us, but she wasn’t frightened or worried. Maybe that’s the secret to our peace, too — to rest like a trusting child in our loving Father’s arms where we are always safe.

In my Bible study this morning, this verse in Isaiah 26:3 came up: “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.” That verse had me pondering this question: what is the difference between “peace” and “perfect peace?” I admit that there are some things in my life that I am a bit anxious about. Ok, a little more than a bit. I awaken at night and pray about them again and again. (I hate to tell you, but problems don’t go away as we get older.)  Sometimes we have to wait for problems to be resolved, but I also want to have peace until they are.

Perfect Peace Means Much More

I understand what peace is. It is knowing that God is in control and that everything is under His care. It means I know that all things will work out for my good because He loves me. But Isaiah is talking about “perfect peace.” I would think that has to be something deeper. So what is it? It certainly sounds like something I want in my life. Desperately want.

Perfect peace. The word perfect means “entire, complete, full, without blemish, without error or mistakes.” Is there truly a peace like that, a peace that I as a human being can actually experience? It sounds too good to be true, and almost impossible to achieve. But I sure want it!

Going back to that verse in Isaiah, I just noticed some interesting things.

It has to Come From God

First it says, “You will keep him in perfect peace.” That “You” is our Heavenly Father. So this peace that I want so desperately is something only He can give me. I cannot attain it on my own. The more I seek it myself, the harder it is to achieve.

I can fill my head with thoughts of peace, telling myself repeatedly that God wants me not to worry. Honestly, I try to have peace in all of life’s difficult circumstances. I talk to myself, but those worries creep right back in. Then I try harder, but I can’t seem to overcome the concerns and dread. I turn them over to Him, but then I grab them right back. Can you relate? Some problems seem impossible to shake. How can we have perfect peace when all around us feels like chaos and despair?

Where is my Focus?

Well, the next part of that verse gives me a clue. “Whose mind is stayed on you.” That means my focus is not on my problems, but on Him.

To find that focus, I have to go deeper into knowing Him. You see, the more I go to Him in prayer, the more I study His word and truly listen to what He tells me, the more I get to know who He is. I can see His nature, feel His lovingkindness, and know His faithfulness.

I need that “staying” to keep me close to Him. It’s not something I can learn if I only spend a few minutes with Him here and there when I “have time.” He wants a one-on-one deep personal relationship with me that grows closer every day. And He wants that with you, too.

A daily quiet time with our Father is just so important. It has to be consistent. You cannot know someone you don’t spend time with. All relationships are like that, including the most important one with our Father.

I Can Trust His Perfect Faithfulness

That brings me to the last part of that verse, “because he trusts in you.” As I develop this deeper relationship with my Heavenly Father, I feel His presence in my life. I know He loves me more than anyone else can. He is right beside me every single day. Without fail! I can look back at all the challenges I have already experienced and see His hand of protection and His constant loving care. I can know Him and trust that everything is still in His hands. He has not failed me — ever.

Perfect Peace is in His Presence

My goal to find this perfect peace is for me to grow more and more in tune with my Savior, for us to know each other so intimately that I inhale him with every breath and our hearts beat as one. There is a beautiful old hymn titled, “Peace Perfect Peace.” This link tells you the background story about it and a beautiful rendition of the hymn, too.

So why should I worry or fret? The Creator of everything knows what is best for me. He loves me. I can just rest in His loving arms and have perfect peace. Doesn’t that sound wonderful?


Dearest Father, I know I sometimes forget how much You love me. Why do I do that? Thankfully, my forgetting doesn’t change anything between us.  I want to know You more and rest in Your perfect peace. When the storms of life try to sink my little boat, remind me that You have calmed all my storms before and will again. I give you my trust.  In Jesus’ name, AMEN.



  1. Ed (Bear)

    That’s beautiful Grandma D. I’m glad I read it. Your message is very calming and uplifting!


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