Too Crazy to Rest!
How are you doing today, my dear? I hope you read my last post ( and have been working on spreading positive thoughts to others around you. But now that December is here, your thoughts may be distracted again. As we are getting closer and closer to the holiday, are you pushing yourself harder and harder? Even with your mask correctly on your face, have you battled the lines at Hobby Lobby to find wonderful new holiday décor? Are you determined to have every room in your house perfectly decorated with a Christmas theme? Are you one of those people who has to make sure every ornament on the tree is in exactly the right place? I confess. That’s me. The tree part, at least.
One thing I’ve learned as I have gotten older, simplicity is less tiring!
Now I know that when you have children at home, it affects how you decorate and spread holiday joy throughout the house. But I also know that your kids would rather spend time with you baking cookies or reading Christmas stories, singing silly Christmas carols, or even making a Christmas craft for Grandma. When they get older, they really won’t remember what decorations were in the guest bathroom or on the front porch. Now that creepy, crazy little Elf on the Shelf guy they may remember. I’m sure glad he wasn’t around when my kids were little!
The Consequences Can Be Serious!
Fatigue and lack of sleep have become a national epidemic. We seem to think that we are strong enough to go on less sleep than everyone else. But we really aren’t. Lack of sleep causes thousands of traffic accidents every year. It influences our family relationships, affects our cognitive thinking, and even causes many serious medical problems (like heart disease, strokes and diabetes). Someone also pointed out that it actually impairs our judgment about our need for rest! Now that is crazy!
Camille Peri, in her article, 10 Things to Hate About Sleep Loss, shares several consequences to this serious problem. Here’s here article:
I have an idea. Let’s just stop, take a deep breath, and slow down a bit. Turn on some Christmas music, make some velvety hot chocolate with little marshmallows (and I love to add some crushed candy cane in mine), and put our feet up. Ahhh. Doesn’t that feel good?
Everyone Needs It!
Resting is a good thing. It really is. You may think that you don’t have time to rest right now but stopping and just resting will actually make you more productive. (And you will be so much nicer to be around, too!)
Jesus calls us to rest. In fact, he is the only one who can give us true rest. In Matthew 11:28-29, he invites us, “Come to me, all who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will cause you to rest.” What a wonderful promise. I can lay my burdens at his feet, climb up in his lap, and just rest my head on his shoulder for a while.
When I read the 23d Psalm, I am comforted to know that the Lord is my shepherd. He understands how much I need rest, and he “makes me lie down in green pastures.” Yes, we are just dumb sheep that don’t even know how to rest on our own! He provides the perfect spot, without distractions. This peace and quiet truly restore our souls.
Sounds Good, But How?
Peace, quiet and rest. It sounds so good, doesn’t it? But honestly we are moving so fast that even if we do stop to rest, what are we supposed to do? Do we really even know how to rest?
I know you are exhausted with all the demands that have pressed on you throughout this crazy year. Are you so tired you can’t sleep? Are you so emotionally strained that if you even spent a few minutes by yourself, you might just burst into tears? Have the losses this year been too heavy? The financial losses too overwhelming? Your family relationships too stressful? Have the constant demands on your time over-extended you to the point where you feel ill? Are you are running on a never-ending treadmill that is spinning out of control? How can you possibly do what Jesus says and rest?
But he does call us to do just that. Why? Because he knows what we need better than we do. Without his refreshment, we cannot do the work we need to do. We cannot be the women he calls us to be. When we are still and rest in him, we focus on how much he loves us and how good he is to us. Our security is in him and it truly can transform us. We can prioritize our needs and wants in light of what he wants for us, which is always better than our own choices!
Jesus Needed Rest, Too!
Even Jesus knew the value of rest. He stopped many times to rest and sleep and regain his strength. One of my favorite stories is in Matthew 8. Jesus and the disciples got into a boat, and because he was so exhausted, Jesus fell asleep. Even the strong, loud winds and the violent waves that almost destroyed the boat did not wake Jesus! The disciples were expert fishermen, and they were so scared that they finally woke Jesus up. He calmly quieted the storm as well as the fear in their hearts.
So, rest is not just for the weak. We all need it. When we calm our souls and focus on our Savior, then we will renew our strength. “We will mount up with wings like eagles; we shall run and not be weary; we shall walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31). Doesn’t that sound heavenly?
Take a moment or two for yourself, please. Your heavenly Father knows how much you need to rest physically, emotionally and spiritually. Listen to His voice. Spend time with Him. Get into His word. It really will change your life and the lives of your loved ones as well.
I’ll talk to you later. I think I’ll have a cup of tea and spend some quiet time with my Father.
Love you, dear one.
Grandma D