Help in Life’s Storms

Sep 4, 2023

The Bible — Help When I Need It Most

There is no other book like the Bible! It is full of so many amazing stories. What I love most is how those stories always seem to apply to my life. I can read the same passages at different times and get different messages to help me when I need them most! It’s amazing! That is why it is called the living Word of God! I hope you will try to make it a regular part of your life. It is truly life-changing!

So, this morning I was reading Matthew 14. It has an interesting chain of events that led to several miracles and a remarkable lesson that showed Jesus’ followers who he really was. And it was a lesson they had to be reminded of many times!

Jesus Healing and Helping

Early in chapter 14, Jesus had just received word that his cousin and friend, John the Baptist, had been unjustly killed in prison. He was heartbroken and wanted to be alone to grieve. He got into a boat to get away for a while, but when it reached the other shore, thousands of people were already there waiting for his help.

Can you imagine the noisy mob crying out his name and begging to be healed? “Jesus! Over here! Heal me!” “Jesus, come this way. Heal my child.” “Jesus! Help me!” “Jesus! I need you!” “Jesus!” “Jesus!”

I would have probably gotten back in the boat and sailed away! But not Jesus. He saw hopeless and lost souls and had compassion for them. He healed the sick, helped the weak, hugged the children, and touched everyone he could reach. What an exhausting afternoon that was!

Jesus Feeds A Hungry Crowd

But as evening approached, his disciples urged him to send the people away so they could find dinner in the nearby villages. Jesus, who already knew what was going to happen, said, “No, you feed them.”

“Umm. Well, Jesus, we don’t have enough money to feed this many people. This kid over here has a basket with five rolls and a couple of dried fish. But that sure won’t help!”

Jesus smiled and asked them to bring the boy’s lunch to him. He had all the people sit on the grass in groups. Then he held up the food and blessed it. Now, I don’t know how the next part actually worked. Did he drop pieces of the food into baskets, and they just filled up with more? It was a miracle however it happened.

Of course, now the disciples were eager to help! I would have loved to watch them passing out all that food. Everyone ate until satisfied, and there were 12 baskets of food left over. Wow! What a miracle! He fed 5,000 men. Five thousand!! Add all the women and all the children running around everywhere, and that was a big bunch of people at the picnic!

Jesus Takes What We Offer

But do you realize that all those people had no idea what had just happened? They just had food to eat, so they ate it. This miracle was an amazing lesson for his disciples who, I’m sure, were shaking their heads in disbelief. By the way, Jesus could have just miraculously filled all those baskets with food. He didn’t need the help of a few rolls and fish. After all, he could do anything. Maybe his lesson was to show his disciples (and us) how much he can do with the little bit we offer him!

Ok. I’m rambling. And I haven’t even gotten to the best part of the story yet! After this feast, Jesus was tired and wanted to have some quiet time with his Father. He sent all the crowds back home and told the disciples to go ahead of him in the boat while he went up the mountain to pray.

Peter’s Bold Request

When he came down it was already sometime after 3 a.m., and the boat was far off from the land. The disciples were battling strong winds and waves, a common occurrence on this lake. I imagine they would have wished Jesus was there to help.

Now a little background about the Sea of Galilee. It sits 680 feet below sea level and is nearly surrounded by hills. That can create winds, as high as sixty miles an hour, to blow and cause great storms. Because the water is shallow at around 200 feet, the winds also whip up violent waves as high as ten feet or more. These disciples included some professional fishermen, men who had been on that lake nearly every day. But even with their experience, it was a helpless situation to be in.

In the midst of this, Jesus set out walking on the water. At a distance, the disciples thought he was ghost. They started to cry in fear. But Jesus tried to calm them saying, “It’s okay. Don’t be afraid. It’s just me.”

Now here’s the really good part (I know it took me forever to get here!). Peter said, “Jesus, if it’s really you, command me to come to you on the water.”  Jesus replied with one word, “Come.”  And Peter got out of that rocking boat and walked on the water to Jesus! He walked on the water! All by himself. Without any help.

Peter Needs Jesus’ Help

Yes, I know what happened next. He looked at the storm and winds and got scared. He cried for Jesus to help him, and he did. But Peter walked on the water! The others just stayed in the boat.

Peter was always headstrong and impulsive, but he took a big step of faith when he got out of that boat. I don’t think I would be that brave. Maybe in broad daylight with calm waters all around me, I might take a step or two with Jesus holding both of my hands.

We don’t know how many steps Peter took or how far away Jesus was from the boat, but when Peter started to sink, Jesus picked him up and helped him make it back to safety. So, they walked on the water together with Jesus’ arms around his friend until they got back to the boat. And immediately the storm calmed down.

Jesus softly said, “O you of little faith. Why did you doubt?” Was he just talking to Peter? Or maybe he was thinking about you and me, too.

He Helps Me in My Storms, Too

The storms we face can certainly knock us off our feet and make us afraid, can’t they? When we get scared, we focus on the problems rather than the problem-solver. If we can keep our eyes focused on him, he will protect us in any storm.

After a long life of many struggles and challenges, here is what I have learned: He has never let me down, never let me sink in any storm I have ever faced. He has been my constant help in every situation. It certainly makes sense for me to keep trusting him.

This song is one of my favorites! It’s called “Sometimes He Calms the Storm.” The video is good, too.

So, dear one, if the storms you are facing are knocking you off your feet, keep your eyes focused on the one who loves you most of all. Yes, those winds can be scary and the future unknown, but the one who created the winds also can calm them. Just trust and hold on to him. He will help you, hold you up, and never leave you to face the storms alone. I promise! He’s got ya!


Dear Father, when we face struggles, why do we take our eyes off of you and focus on the storms? Why do we forget your promises? Thank you for still being so patient with us. Help us to always put our trust in your faithfulness that never ends.  In Jesus’ name, AMEN.


  1. Dawn

    Beautiful reminder of God’s constant presence and faithfulness! 💕Dawn

    • Grandma D

      Isn’t He wonderful? Thanks for your comment!


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