I Want More of You, Lord!

Mar 7, 2024

God is More Than Anything We Can Ever Dream

I love picturing what Heaven will be like and being in the presence of Almighty God. How beautiful and wonderful it will be to dwell there and to be surrounded by all his glory. To be filled to overflowing with his love and his goodness. It will be more than I can express or even imagine.

I think I know who God is and his many amazing traits. I read about him every morning in my Bible. When I pray to him every day, I know he always listens. I have seen him working in my life, and I know his faithfulness. But what if he’s more? What if he’s better?

You see, we each have our own ideas of who God is and what he is like. And no one is going to convince us otherwise! What if knowing him more will give me greater peace and more faith? Why would I want to stay with my own imagination?

My Image of God is Big, But He is More!

Don’t get me wrong, my image of God is big and wonderful. I love him with all my heart and have a strong faith in him. But my ideas of God aren’t even a speck of who he really is.

Have you noticed how many times Jesus said, “You have heard…” and then he says, “but I tell you….” He wants us to rethink our ideas, because there is something better, something more. And that is a good thing!

Our God is So Big, So Strong, and So Mighty!

All those little children in vacation Bible schools around the country have the right idea about God and His power. They enthusiastically sing and shout, “Our God is so BIG, so STRONG, and so MIGHTY, there’s nothing our God cannot do. The mountains are his, the valleys are his, the trees are his handiwork, too. Our God is so BIG, so STRONG and so MIGHTY, there’s nothing our God cannot do!” Oh, how true that is! May we never forget there’s absolutely nothing he cannot do!

God’s Majesty is More Than I Can Imagine

I don’t want to just see God as I see him today. That limits my relationship with him. That’s why I want more of him. I want to keep learning, keep watching, and keep seeking him in every way. Then as a know him more, I will be closer to him every day.

In 1 Chronicles 29:11, it says,

“Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and you are exalted as head above all.”

Just like in that verse, when I try to picture God’s greatness, it is impossible, because he is greater! I can only imagine his power, because he is more powerful! I can try to grasp his glory, but he is more glorious than I can ever know! His is the victory I can witness, but he is more victorious over everything! His is the majesty that fills my heart, but he is more majestic than I can even dream! My limited ideas are nothing compared with the fullness of his being. We must never be satisfied with our image of who God is. I want more of him because he is better. Far better than any picture I have of him or any song I sing about him.

He Created the Massive Universe, But Loves Us More!

This link — https://youtu.be/U9WOMerccoM?si=gKXElhTLYUSHowU1 — is to an amazing video about the vastness of our universe. When we picture ourselves in relation to our planet, our solar system, our galaxy, and beyond, it is mind-boggling to think about how big it all is. We cannot grasp it. And even more, we are in awe of the bigness of our God who created it and is outside of it all. This same God loves you and me personally, even as tiny and insignificant we may seem in the scheme of the universe.

I hope you will watch the video. When it gets close to the end, it shows the Laniakea Super Cluster of more than 100,000 galaxies. It looks like the night sky full of stars, but those are actually galaxies of which our Milky Way is just one tiny dot. Those galaxies, stars, and planets outnumber the grains of sand on all our beaches! Wow! I have to just sit quietly to take it all in!

Did you know that in Isaiah 40:12  it says, “Who has measured the (Earth’s) waters in the hollow of his hand, and marked off the heavens with a span?” Yes, “our God is so BIG, so STRONG and so MIGHTY! There’s nothing our God cannot do!”

The more I know him, the more deeply I fall in love with him because he loved me first. As my love grows, the more I will trust him with every part of my life. Even better, the more I trust him, the more I can rest safely in his strong arms.

By the way, he told me all this just this morning. When I read that verse in 1 Chronicles 29, I felt him saying, “But Diana, I’m bigger than that!” And that, dear one, is not my imagination!


Dear Father, I love you with all my heart, even with my limited ideas of who you are. But, oh how much I yearn to know you more, to grow closer to you, and be surrounded by your glory and grace. Draw me near to your heart, so I can see you better every day. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.




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