Love From My Heart to Yours

Aug 6, 2021

A Letter From My Heart To My Precious Granddaughter….

You have been on my heart so much lately. I mean, you are always on my heart, but lately you have filled my thoughts. I pray for you every day, and God has convinced me that I need to share some things with you. It was so scary when you got Covid! You are too young to have to face such a dangerous illness. I’m glad you are better, but it really showed me that I should not wait to share with you how valuable you truly are.

So, I decided to write you this letter to share with you my thoughts. I want you to know right up front that I love you 100% just the way you are. You make me smile, and I am so proud of you.

Tween Years are Tough

You are at that a difficult age  – those “tween” years between being a child and a young woman. Those cute little girl features are now changing into more mature ladylike ones. You feel different inside too, don’t you? It’s an exciting, but scary time. It’s overwhelming in so many ways. You’re already way taller than me. But it’s more than just physical stuff. It’s deep down in your feelings, your crazy emotions, your big dreams, and your upside-down thoughts. I’m still not ready for you to grow up! I wish I could protect you from all the challenges you will face.

Parents Don’t Get It Right!

I know your life already has been a tough one. You have wondered if you really belong anywhere. You haven’t felt “at home” anywhere with your parents being divorced. It isn’t easy going back and forth, questioning your value, and even wondering if anyone really truly loves you.

Here’s the thing – parents screw up all the time, too. Your dad and mom can’t get their own lives together most of the time. Deep down I know they both wish they could have made better choices for you. They dreamed big dreams for you (and still do). Then life and their mistakes got in the way. I wish that wasn’t the case. But, through all of it, they both love you with all their hearts and would not trade you for anything. Sometimes they get so focused on everyday struggles that they forget how much you need to hear that over and over.

Honestly, life stinks sometimes, and we just have to understand that. It’s not fair and it’s not right. Our circumstances are often out of our control, but our response to those circumstances is all ours. You can still grow and become the person you are meant to be in spite of circumstances and people. The choice is yours.

Where Does Your Value Come From?

My heart aches that this world tries to tell you that you are only valuable if you meet its impossible standards – wear this, eat this, say this, do this, look like this. No! Not true!! NOT. TRUE. Social media is full of lies and garbage. It is tearing your generation apart! It breaks my heart and makes me want to scream!

Your value does not come from what you can do, what you look like, how many friends you have, or how many “likes” you have on TikTok! You were made by your Heavenly Father. He gave you your personality, your talents, your feelings, your heart. He made you one-of-a-kind to give you a unique place in His kingdom. Yes, there is no one else on Earth like you. You see, He has a perfect plan that is designed just for you to fulfill. I know you don’t see that now, but I hope you will keep that truth in your heart.  Ask Him to show you what your purpose is in this world. What is it that only you can do?

Yes, You Truly are Special

So, my dearest one, what can I do to help you understand just how special you are? You are beautiful simply because God made you. Even at my age, I still struggle with my appearance and my weight sometimes. I have to remind myself all the time that God knows me better than I know myself. You see, He made you and me from His own heart, and He loves us just the way we are.

Sometimes, you need to look at yourself in the mirror and say loudly: “I am SPECIAL. I am BRAVE. I am NICE. I am WORTHY. I am BEAUTIFUL. I am KIND. I am CARING. I am UNIQUE. I am AMAZING! I am IMPORTANT. I am PRECIOUS. I am SMART. I am LOVED.

God Has a Big Dream for You

So, what do you want to do with your life? What are your dreams? God gave you that quirky sweet smile, that silly sense of humor, those big feet (way bigger than mine!), that gentle heart, and those bright green eyes that you like to roll at me, and He also gave you those dreams deep down inside you. He knows your deepest desires for your future, because He was the one who put those inside you.

It’s True — Hurt People Hurt People

If you hold on tight to His image of you, then what others say or do might not hurt so much. I know sometime there will be that girl who says something cruel, trying to get attention from others. But it will still hurt your heart. She may think she is better than you, but it’s not true. You have to remind yourself that you are a precious child of God, a princess in His royal kingdom. Hold your head high and try to let those hateful words just roll off your back. That girl probably has lower self-esteem than you do! Those who are cruel and bully others are the ones that need our sympathy and forgiveness most (even if you’d really rather dunk her head in a toilet!).

You Really Can Change the World!

Remember: this world needs more people like you; it really does. Someone who is artistic, caring, eager to please, sensitive, and a beautiful dreamer. It needs you! Don’t give up on your dreams. Keep them always in your heart. I believe in you. You will change the world! Just keep believing and asking God to help you.

I love you with all my heart, dear one. Don’t ever forget that. I will always be here for you if you need a hug or a shoulder to cry on. I can always use your good hugs, too.


Grandma D (your Mimi)

Hey, MOM and DAD:

Your job is super-tough now, because your daughter is facing the onslaught of peer pressure and social media. She looks to you for her support and self-confidence. Please take this seriously. Time goes by too fast, and she really needs you! Here’s a great article that I found helpful:


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