Sing Out Loud, Sing Out Strong

Oct 24, 2023

Sweet Memories of Mama’s Singing

My mama was the most loving, sweet woman you’d ever meet. She was kind to everyone she met, and you could see her love for God in every word and action in her life, especially when she would sing. Sadly, in her last four years, she had Alzheimer’s. What a cruel disease it is! How painful it is for family members to watch their loved one slowly lose their memory, their identity, and eventually their life.

In my family, music always played such an integral part of our lives every day. My childhood memories are filled with my sweet mama always singing. She loved to play records every day and sing along. Now you may be too young to remember what a “record” was. Well, it was a large black disc played on a phonograph. Kind of like an older, non-compact CD.

The Impact of Music on My Family

My family had a large collection of records. It was “cheap” entertainment when your family was as poor as ours was. Our collection included many easy listening and big band favorites – Perry Como, Lawrence Welk, Bing Crosby, Doris Day, Nat King Cole, and even the Ray Conniff Singers. I always loved listening to the Broadway musical soundtracks, picturing the characters in the stories, while singing and twirling on my imaginary stage. I still remember most of the words to this day.

Mama’s favorite songs were always the hymns. I know my love of music and my love for God came directly from watching my mama sing. She didn’t just sing with her voice, which was so beautiful, but she sang with her heart and soul. Her face radiated so much love for God.  She either smiled or cried as she sang the words because they meant everything to her. “Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine,” “How great thou art…” “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound…” “Just as I am without one plea…” Oh, how I miss her.

The Magic of Singing

So, when she got Alzheimer’s, I was devastated. But what amazed me was how I could still see glimpses of my “real” mama when we sang together. It was magical! She lived in a memory care home near my house, and I visited her every day. I would pull out a hymnal from church and sing with her until I was hoarse.  Even when my voice was giving out, I still wanted to just keep singing. That way I could still watch the sweet expression on her face which glowed with love for her Heavenly Father. We sang for hours. It helped me to hang on to her just a little longer. She still remembered all the words even when she couldn’t remember my name. The other ladies at her home loved to sing along with us. They were like little children. They would especially light up when we sang “Jesus loves me, this I know…”

Singing the Psalms

I love the Psalms so much because they speak to my heart.  In fact, the word “psalm” means song, so they were set to music and sung in worship as well as in everyday life. King David wrote most of them, sometimes when he was fearful or sad. Other times, he would sing of his love and gratitude for God’s faithfulness. Maybe that is why he was known as “a man after God’s own heart.”

Even today, the Psalms can still speak to us in every aspect of our lives. Many of them talk about the comfort of God, some about His power, others about His protection. Often the ones filled with praises draw my attention. Other times, depending on what is happening in my life, I am comforted by the psalmist’s earnest longings for God’s presence in tough times.

Songs of Ascent

There is an interesting group of the Psalms, from Psalm 120 to 134, that are called “The Songs of Ascent.” These were written after Israel was captured by the Babylonians, who also destroyed their beloved temple. (By the way, God “allowed” them to be captured because they kept turning their backs on Him to worship idols.) This exile lasted 70 years! Oh, how they eagerly longed for home! They would sing psalms as a reflection of their yearning as well as pleas for God’s forgiveness, help, and protection.

Later, after the Israelites were freed, these Songs of Ascent took on a new meaning. They were apparently sung as they ascended the hills to Jerusalem for the three annual feasts — Passover, Festival of Weeks, and Feast of Tabernacles.

Singing Pilgrims

Jerusalem was the ancient capital city of Judah. To this day, it is nestled in the Judean mountains between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea. The temple, the house of the living God, was the highest place in the city. Their pilgrimage was such an important part of their lives. But often their trip became filled with danger, not only for the long, steep walk, but because thieves often hid along the way ready to attack and rob them. Their eagerness to be in God’s presence at the temple was conveyed in their loud singing on the rocky path to the city. The power of singing and worship filled them with confidence and made their trek a bit easier.

If you want to read more about the Songs of Ascent and how they are still relevant to our lives today, check out this article by writer Alice William. I think she has beautifully captured the purpose and power these songs can have on our daily walk.

Singing to Express One’s Heart

Today we may not make a physical ascent to worship God, but out spiritual journey can also have challenges for us along our way. We, too, eagerly yearn to be in the presence of God. Some days we may sing praises for His faithfulness, sometimes we may seek His help when we are overwhelmed with struggles, and other times, we may beg for His mercy and forgiveness. Just like the Israelites, we seek to reach greater heights as we grow in our relationship with God.

He Even Sings Over Us!

Yes, our Heavenly Father knows the importance of music. After all, He created it! He takes great joy in hearing our songs of praise and even our songs of longing for His presence and peace. It doesn’t matter to Him if you can’t carry a tune. He listens to your heart when you sing, and that is always beautiful to Him! In fact, the Bible tells us that He likes to sing over us, too! Can you imagine that? In Zephaniah 3:17, it says “The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in His love He will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”

Remember, dear one, that no matter where you are on your own personal journey, He has promised to never leave or forsake you. Keep looking upward with your eyes always focused on Him. And sing! Sing loudly with your whole heart, and you will soon feel His peace. It’s kind of like that old Karen Carpenter song: “Sing, Sing a Song.” She tells us to sing out loud, sing out strong, sing of good things, not bad, and sing of happy not sad.” Good advice, Karen! (

Our Prayer:

Dear Father, Thank you so much for the gift of music. Oh, how our lives would be so empty without it! When we sing, it draws us closer to Your heart. You comfort, strengthen, and encourage us through singing, and we are so grateful. In Jesus name, AMEN.


  1. Lynda

    Your post spoke to my heart, reminding me of my sweet momma who sang until she passed. She smiled, just days before she passed, when I sang “You are My Sunshine,” just as she sang to me as a young girl. Thanks be to God for the gift of song. The songs on my lips aren’t beautiful, but the songs in my heart certainly are!!

    • Grandma D

      Thanks for sharing, Lynda. There is no one more precious than our mamas, especially when they are singing. Music is such a powerful force to touch hearts and break down walls. “You Are My Sunshine” is one of my favorites, too. I sing to my granddaughters (and even sometimes to my puppy dogs).


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