He Knows The Present (Part 3)

May 21, 2023

He knows all about us, including our thoughts, dreams and struggles. And He knows our past, both the good and bad. So now let’s look at what He knows about our lives today – the present.

He Knows All of Our Struggles

It is amazing that our Father knows how His love and acceptance of us affects our lives every single day. When we say “yes” to His will, we can put the past behind us. We can also stop worrying when life doesn’t go as we plan. But sometimes that is easier said than done, isn’t it?

So what does he know about your life right now?

Note: If you haven’t read Parts 1 and 2 of this series, I encourage you to go back and read them first. Here are the links: (Part 1) https://grandma-d.com/he-knows-everything/  (Part 2) https://grandma-d.com/he-knows-my-past-pt-2/

He knows what you are struggling with — your health, your loved one’s illness, your marriage, your finances, your job, your children. He knows you find it hard sometimes to just trust Him, but He wants to assure you that His promises are always true — He will never leave you nor forsake you.

He Knows Your Feelings

He knows you better than you know yourself. Sometimes you are impatient and lose your temper too much. You want to do the right thing, but keep messing up. It makes you feel guilty and worthless, doesn’t it? But He promises that His mercies are new every morning. He wishes you remembered that, too. He knows you are forgiven, and all those sins are washed away. Gone forever. No reason to feel guilty then, is there?

He knows your fears. You question why things are as tough as they are and why your life isn’t as easy as you want it to be. You have doubts and worries about the future. You just want your children to grow up in a better world than what it is right now.  He wishes you could remember that He has overcome this world, and you can trust in Him. This world is not your home anyway, and you will have a perfect home with Him some day.

He knows you feel lonely even in a crowd of people. He knows every night that you have cried yourself to sleep and all those other times when sleep wouldn’t come at all. All He wants to do is wipe that sadness from your brow and hold you close so you can rest in His loving arms.

He Knows Your Faith!

He knows you stay faithful when all around you is chaotic and scary. He is proud of your faith, dear one. Even when you get anxious, you never stop believing in Him and His faithfulness. He knows and feels your love for Him. You are so much stronger than you think you are, and He wishes you believed it as much as He does.

He listens earnestly to your every prayer. In fact, He stops everything to spend that time with you! In Psalm 116, it says, “He leans His ear to hear my prayers.” You are that precious to Him!

He loves to hear your praises and singing. Even if you don’t like your voice, it is pure joy to Him. Never stop because it makes you so much closer to His heart. He loves you today and every day. Did you know that He is never far away from you? In fact, He wants to spend every minute with you, even when you get too busy and “forget” about Him. He’s just waiting patiently for you to find your way back to Him. This site has a beautiful definition of God’s faithfulness: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/essay/faithfulness-of-god/

He knows that in His presence is peace. When you seek Him, you always find Him. He is there beside you right now, and that is good news for today and every day.

Let’s Pray:

Dear Father, we are so grateful for Your presence in our lives every day. Help us to never doubt Your constant love and faithfulness to us. Give us the courage to share this wonderful gift with others who don’t know You and need Your peace in their lives. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.


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