Look Out! Terror Puppy on the Loose!

Jun 24, 2022

Puppy Terror!

How can something so tiny and adorable be such a terror? We have a new puppy named Gracie. She is an itty-bitty miniature schnauzer. At almost 16 weeks she is about four pounds of energy and spunk. I should have known when the breeder repeatedly described her as “feisty.”

Gracie is a typical baby. She wants to put everything in her mouth. I follow her around outside and constantly remove things she wants to eat, including shriveled worms, dead junebugs, and rabbit pellets that the critters have generously left in our yard. (Don’t get me started about rabbits. They are not cute, fluffy creatures!)

A Smart, but FAST Puppy!

For being only about four months old, Gracie is very smart. She knows I don’t want her to eat all those yucky things. When she sees me coming, she takes off running in the opposite direction. I don’t know how a little puppy can run that fast! If I can catch her (which isn’t often), she closes her jaws tightly. I have to use all my might to pry them open so I can remove whatever is in her mouth.

I have had several miniature schnauzers over the years. They are easy to train, loyal, and sweet. That was until Gracie came along. She is smart, but smart on how to get away with things she shouldn’t. We are still struggling with potty training her. She goes outside to do her business most of the time. She knows, however, that she isn’t supposed to go potty in the house. To get away with this, she hides somewhere to do her business. It’s hard to  find the mess to clean it up. I smell it, but can’t find it.

Just Part of Our Family

We currently have two other schnauzers – Hannah, who is almost 13, and Brody, who is 3. Gracie is about a fourth of the size of Brody, but that doesn’t stop her. She doesn’t realize that she is just a puppy. She loves to chase Brody around and wrestle with him until he’s had enough. He is very patient with her, most of the time. Other times he growls and nips at her, but he never hurts her.

Right now this little “terror” is lying quietly beside me, snuggling close and sleeping. She looks so innocent and sweet, such a cute little puppy.  Awww, Gracie! I guess I’ll forgive all the messes you make, all the extra work and exercise you are causing me, as well as the bloody arms where you’ve bitten me with those needle-sharp teeth. As Clay always reminds me, “she’s just a baby.”

Is This How God Sees Us?

I wonder if our Heavenly Father sees us the same way. We can be stubborn and hardheaded, too. We do what we want even if it’s not good for us. Sometimes we run away. Sometimes we get into stinky messes, don’t we? Thankfully, He still waits for us with open arms.  He never stops loving us because we are His children. He just wants us to trust Him. (I wrote more about this is a previous blog. You can read it here: https://grandma-d.com/simple-trust-best-results/). I know he shakes his head and hopes that we will finally figure it out – that His ways are better than our own. Maybe Gracie will figure that out, too. I sure hope so!

My Prayer:

Dear Father, Thank you for always loving us even when we make a mess of our lives. Help us to trust you and follow you faithfully.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.


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