Look Out! Terror Puppy on the Loose!
Puppy Terror! How can something so tiny and adorable be such a terror? We have a new puppy named Gracie. She is an itty-bitty miniature schnauzer. At almost 16 weeks she is about four pounds of energy and spunk. I should have known when the breeder repeatedly...
Joy — Makes Me Want to Twirl!
Joy Overflowing! We have a three-year-old miniature schnauzer named Brody. Now Brody may be three, but he is all puppy. He gets so excited at the smallest things. Even when we go to the mailbox, Brody acts like we have been gone for weeks. He jumps up and down,...
Is Praying a Waste of Time?
Praying When Life Is Tough! Sometimes we go through challenges in life that make us evaluate our faith and our prayer life. Of course, since I have lived a long time, I have had many such experiences where the only thing I could do was pray. My first husband, Bill,...
How To Apply God’s Word In My Life
Apply Truth For a More Colorful Life! My husband, Clay, owns a painting and remodeling company in North Texas (https://lewisvillepainting.com/). They do all kinds of residential and commercial painting projects, both big and small. But I guarantee that if they didn’t...
Love Can Hurt Sometimes
But Is It Really Love? She grew up in a poor farm family, the oldest of three kids. Even before she was born, her future was not bright. Her dad, Howard, had been kicked out of his home in South Dakota by his parents when he was just 14 years old. He decided to head...
Truly Content: Lawrence Welk & Transistor Radios!
Being Content in the "Good Old Days" I came from a time long ago -- before computers, the Internet, cell phones, video games, and social media. How, you may wonder, did I ever survive? How could I ever be content without all the modern “conveniences” we have today?...
Love From My Heart to Yours
A Letter From My Heart To My Precious Granddaughter.... You have been on my heart so much lately. I mean, you are always on my heart, but lately you have filled my thoughts. I pray for you every day, and God has convinced me that I need to share some things with you....
Simple Trust = Best Results
Trusting Isn't Easy! Sometimes we face challenges that make us reexamine our priorities, our goals and even our dreams. One thing I have sadly discovered is that this is true at any age. Even this grandma can forget how to trust. I must confess, when I started writing...
Love Always and Forever
Love at First Sight! It was a rare kind of summer morning in Mobile, Alabama in 1944. A heavy rain shower had lasted most of the night and left the air smelling muddy, but the temperatures were noticeably cooler. A light wind added more relief from the normally humid...
Just a Wise Old Antique!
Wisdom from an Old Lady... Someone once said, “Old age is just a state of mind.” Really? Ha! That’s funny! It is more than my mind that makes me feel old. It’s also the state of my joints, my memory, my body, my sleep (or lack thereof), my focus, as well as my mind....
Time After Time After Time
Everything in His Time, Not Mine! The older I get the faster time goes flying by. It seems impossible that I am as old as I am, because I “feel” like I should still be in my 50s! I know that it’s been many years since I was in my 50s, but I also don’t feel or act as...
Gimme More!
Wanting More -- Where is True Contentment Found? I read an article the other day about the richest billionaires in every state in the U.S. Topping the list is Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon. He is “currently” worth $193.8 billion. I say currently because it...
Speak No Evil — The Danger of Our Words!
Sticks and Stones Can Break My Bones, Words Can Really Hurt, Too! Have you ever heard something that made you cringe? One of the worst things I have ever heard was an angry parent berating and cussing out their child. It happened again the other day at the grocery...
Grandma’s Thoughts On Thinking
Thoughts Can Be Dangerous Things! Do you ever think about thinking? Our thoughts are pretty powerful, more powerful than we even can imagine. God knows that. In fact, he warns us about how powerful they are. I know we women can easily let our thoughts control our...
Living Water! Never Be Thirsty Again!
Water Makes Me Thirsty! I am on the Keto diet….again. This time I’m being more careful and following the guidance like I’m supposed to – keeping watch on my carbs, calories, fats and proteins. Well, there is one thing that I still struggle with – drinking enough...
Mood Swings — God’s Got This!
Mood Swings? Hang On! Hello my dear one! How are you doing today? I mean, how are you really doing? Staying warm? North Texas is having abnormally cold temps and snow. Our crazy winter, luckily, only lasts about a week. So next week it will be in the 60’s again. Even...
You’re Beautiful! Yes You Are!
I’m going to tell you right up front that this is a very long post. But I feel it is just too important to split it up. So grab a cup of tea or coffee, get in a comfy chair, and read some good news about how beautiful you are. I pray it will be valuable to you. Beauty...
An Inspiring Word to Focus On in 2021
My Perfect Focus Word Is.... Happy New Year! I’ve been contemplating what my focus for 2021 should be. I usually pick a word that I want to make my mantra for the year, a word that inspires me to become a better version of myself. Last year my word was “Color.” My...
5 New Resolutions To Change Your Life
Resolutions that Matter! I imagine there are countless articles flooding the Internet about making, keeping and breaking New Year’s resolutions. It is wishful to make them, challenging to keep them, and disappointing to break them. But it happens every year, doesn’t...
Starting Over — A New Day
Starting Over -- A New Day! My dear friend, Jeff Jenkins, shared some wonderful thoughts about starting over and making changes in our lives. It seemed to be a P.S. to my post about making resolutions (https://grandma-d.com/5-new-resolutions-to-change-your-life/), so...
A Covid Christmas? Not What We Expected!
It's Not Just Another Day, Even With Covid! Oh my! Christmas will be here tomorrow! It sure has been a challenging time this year with Covid affecting us in so many ways. I can’t believe it is almost here, and I finally just finished my gift shopping. Do you know what...
Rest, You Silly Sheep!
Too Crazy to Rest! How are you doing today, my dear? I hope you read my last post (https://grandma-d.com/20-good-things-in-2020-positive-thinking/) and have been working on spreading positive thoughts to others around you. But now that December is here, your thoughts...
20 Good Things in 2020
Just Think About It! It’s always fun to start a new endeavor, especially when it is doing something I love – talking! But since you and I can’t talk in person, I’m going to do it in print. It’s been a crazy year, hasn’t it? Even when you say “2020,” everyone seems to...