He Knows Our Future (Part 4)

May 22, 2023

He Knows All About You

What we have learned about our all-knowing Father is that He loves us. He knows all about us, including our past and the guilt we carried for so long. He sees the concerns and worries that sometimes overwhelm our hearts in the present. But He also knows our future, and that’s where true joy happens!

If you haven’t read the first three posts in this series, I’d like to encourage you to go back and read them first. Here are the links: (Part 1) https://grandma-d.com/he-knows-everything/  (Part 2) https://grandma-d.com/he-knows-my-past-pt-2/ (Part 3) https://grandma-d.com/he-knows-the-present-part-3/

So what does our Father know about your future? Just as in every part of your life so far, He cares about your future as well. Every part!

He Knows What Lies Ahead

He knows all about the future because He is already there, dear one. He’s already knows the joy and the pain that are ahead of you next week, next year, even 20 years from now. Yes, there will still be struggles in your life. But if you let Him, He will be there through every one of them. You will never be alone! You may question and doubt His plans for you, but He promises that His love for you will be stronger than anything you ever face. Just as in every day of your life, past and present, He assures you that all things will work for your good, to draw you closer to Him in every way. He just wants you to keep holding on to Him and trusting in His plan. He’s never forsaken you in the past, and never will in the future.

He Knows and Waits to See You Face to Face

To him, a thousand years is as a day. He knew every detail about you before you were born. In fact, He knew it before he created the world. He knows when you will take your last breath, and promises that what comes after that is so much better than this life could ever be.

He waits for the day when you will see Him face to face, to eagerly hug you and celebrate your victory. In that moment, all your sadness, all your doubts, all your questions will be no more. He knows how perfect everything will be when you are finally home where you have been destined to be all along. What a glorious day that will be!

He Knows, He Cares, and That is Such Good News!

He knows a million kazillion other things about life, this world, and the future. And He knows everything about you, loving every inch of you, every breath you take, and every thought you have. He knows how much you just want to feel loved and have a life of peace and contentment. He knows all that because He’s beside you right now with open arms, just wanting to hold you and tell you everything will be okay. Because it will be.

That’s because He knows… and that is so comforting.

Let’s Pray:

Dearest Father, We are in awe of how well You know us — everything we were in the past, everything we are today, and even all we will be in the future.  You know all that and still love us perfectly! Yes, that good news brings us so much comfort. All we can say is thank you, Father! We are proud to be Daughters of the King! In Jesus’ name, AMEN.


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